Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer's
Darwin's Doubt
An Investigation of the 'Cambrian Explosion'
some Cambrian creatures,
500+ million years ago,
were not simple
but more sophisticated
than many life-forms today
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Editor's note: The following information is from chapter one of Darwin's Doubt.
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer |
“Even more sophisticated was the trilobite [possessing, most dramatically of all] compound eyes … eyes that afforded these not so primitive animals a 360-degree field of vision.”
Editor's last word:
Some of the afterlife testimonies speak of our coming Summerland astral body with the on-demand ability to increase our field of vision to 360 degrees.
But! – here, near the dawn of time, we find creatures already equipped with this advanced “sports package” of extras. How does this square with the notion of gradualism?